How You See Can Change Your Life.

Are You One With Life?

Posted: 1/5/15 HUFF Post Healty Living By: Alex Matthews

I never met my maternal grandfather – he passed away before I was born. He was a wise, kind man. A devout Christian who also encapsulated, beautifully, the concept of mindfulness – of living in the present – with the saying “Today is the best day.”

My mother has often said this to her children. For her, as well as my sister and me, it has become a sort of mantra, something to aspire to, to live by.


“Today is the best day,” means appreciating the here and the now and all the goodness that this contains. It involves acknowledging that we do not live in the past or the future; we occupy the present, and so we better darn well make the most of it. Happiness is not a destination you will reach, but something to be accessed now. We can so easily dwell on what we don’t have, or what we want but haven’t got yet (or had, but lost). “Today is the best day,” means letting go of those preoccupations, turning the focus on what you do have, on your life and its bounty today. see article